Christian Martial Fitness

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Halfway to Where?

This question can be applied to anything.  Take a moment to access where you are in all aspects of your life. Being halfway through Lent at this point it's time for me to crack down and see where my distractions and temptations are. If you have set goals for yourself, whether it be something to give up for Lent, a health goal and fitness goal, career goal family or something else you need to check-in with yourself right? What keeps you focused? What keeps you on your path through the journey?

For me it is my Faith. I love the saying put God in the center and everything else will come together. It truly is simple but yet so hard to commit to. None of us are perfect, we all lose focus and we all need something to keep us on the right track. Thanks to free will we get to choose what that something or someone is. Many of us try to keep the company of those that support our goals and priorities. But even if you do that it can be easy to lose your way.

I take that simple saying and periodically see how it is being applied to every single aspect of my life. Am I doing what it says? Am I being obedient? Am I doing what it takes to stay on that path? Many questions to self reflect on.

Sure, easy you may say...well try it. What happens when you realize you have NOT been sticking to your focus? Here's a quick example; yesterday was a hard day for me, nothing major happened just one little thing here and there that I found frustrating and just made my day harder. I don't need my days harder. Those are the days I know I'm leaving cracks in my focus and Satan is working his way into those cracks. Well that's not going to happen. These are the times I know I am loosing focus and need to draw closer to Him.

Maybe you have set a physical goal for yourself. Your training for a big race. Training is going great, your focused, feeling good, your time is improving, and then BAM you get injured. Do you toss in the towel before taking the steps you need to recover as best you can? No! Even if they are baby steps you will get there. Keep your focus on what is important to you and reach for it. If you stop reaching and get off track the devil wins - I don't know about you but that is not an option for me.

What I say to you is relax, good news IS coming. It may not be on your time line or my time line but it will come. When setting goals you should be asking your body, asking God, asking asking..when you demand you are trying to take full control. Is that bad? Well if you're asking that question then you haven't let go of the wheel yet to see what happens. That right there is is surrendering and takes more strength than you can fathom. I encourage you to trust in God, let go, include him in your decisions, stay focused in your goals, Lent, career goals, family  Let's see what how's your halfway point looking?